Monday 8 December 2014

Illumi Run 2014

Mel, Shenghung and I went for Illumi Run 2014 on 29th September! They should actually call it Illumi Walk instead as we practically walked the whole 5km.

Was kinda disappointed actually as it was quite boring and they have very little splashing zones! Most of the trails have no music at all.  Thankfully i have mel and shenghung so it wasn't so bad.

However i managed to apply what i have learnt in Psychology which is the peak-end rule. They saved the best for last so that people will keep coming back for more although the main part wasn't that great!

The after party was awesome. The music was superb and we were all hyped up! We sweat way more than the actual 'run'. The only thing that annoys me was how they splash SO MUCH of the neon water at us during the party. It was insane oh goshh... It got into our eyes, hair, ears and even mouth. Nonetheless, it was quite fun!

Thanks Limaran and Jason for the free tickets! Will i come back again next year? Maybe for the after party. It was a great experience though!